
12 Oct 2017

Zaštita kože oko noktiju pri nail art-u

Postoje razni proizvodi namenjeni zaštiti područja oko noktiju pri izradi nail art-a, a jedan od novijih jesu tzv. samolepljive trakice*. Mogu se nabaviti kod raznih proizvođača, a ovoga puta predstavljam proizvod sa sajta Born Pretty Store.  

There are different products for skin protection in nail art and one of these are so called peel off tapes*. Many producers have them and this time I present tapes from Born Pretty Store.

Trakice su u obliku slova U. Dolaze upakovane i zalepljene na kartončetu sa kojeg se lako odlepljuju, a isto tako se lako postavljaju na prste i lepo prilagođavaju pri čemu pokrivaju znatnu površinu kože. Mekane su, savitljive i rastegljive, tekstura me podseća po malo na žvaku. Dobro se lepe za kožu, lak mi nije prošao ispod. Velika prednost u odnosu na tečne latekse im je upravo ta što isti ne sadrže te su pogodne za alergične osobe. Pri tom, nema nikakvog sušenja i samim tim čekanja. Dakle, postavite trakice oko noktiju, ukrasite vaše nokte i odlepite trakice.

The tapes are U-shaped. They come packed and sticked on cardboard which they are easily peeled from. They are also easy to place on fingers and they adjust nicely covering significant skin area. They are soft, flexible and stretchy, its texture reminds me of chewing gum. They stick to skin very well, no polish leaked under them. The great advantage compared to liquid latex is that they do not contain latex so they are convenient for those who are allergic. Another thing is there is no drying so you don't have to wait. So, you place the tapes, do the nail art and remove the tapes. Simple as that.  

Ono što verovatno sve zanima jeste da li se ove trakice mogu koristiti više puta. Moj odgovor je donekle. Treba ih pažljivo skidati sa prstiju kako se ne bi slepile čime biste sebi stvorili dodatni posao i rizikovali da oštetite trakice. Zatim ih treba zalepiti na neku podlogu otpornu na aceton kako biste mogli da uklonite lak. Ono što smatram najvećim nedostatkom ovog proizvoda jeste to što ih aceton blago rastvara. Posle dve upotrebe moje trakice izgledaju prilično ishabano i većina ih je izgubila oblik, možda ću samo par komada moći upotrebiti još jednom. 

Everybody probably wonders if these tapes are reusable. My answer would be sort of. The tapes should be peeled off the skin very carefully so they don't stick which would make you more work to do and could damage the tapes. Once you removed them from skin they should be placed on acetone resistant surface so you can clean off the polish. What I consider the biggest flaw of these tapes is that acetone little dissolves them. After two usages my tapes are quite damaged and most of them lost their form, I might be able to use again only a couple of them. 

Ukoliko ne primenjujete često neuredne nail art tehnike te vam treba nešto povoljno što ćete iskoristii par puta onda ovaj proizvod može biti za vas.  Možete ga nabaviti ovde po ceni od 1.59$. Ukoliko se odlučite za kupovinu, možete iskoristiti moj kupon kod JAPX31 za 10% popusta koji važi za nesnižene cene. Da biste bili u toku sa novostima, možete pratiti BPS na Instagramu (ovde i ovde).

*Prikazani proizvod sam dobila na recenziju, što ne utiče na moje mišljenje o njemu, svi utisci i mišljenje su potpuno objektivni.

If you don't do messy nail art often and you need something cheap that can be used a couple of times then this product may be for you. You can get it here for 1.59$. If you decide to make a purchase you can use my coupon code JAPX31 for 10% discount valid for the non-sale products. Follow BPS on Instagram to get informed (here and here).

*The described product was sent to me for an honest review which does not affect my opinion, all that is written and opinion are objective.

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