
31 Mar 2017

Manikir inspirisan modom

Pre nekoliko nedelja smo u sklopu usklađenih manikira radile nokte inspirisane modom, a kako nisam stigla da napišem post na vreme, sada ću vam pokazati šta sam još onomad osmislila.

A few weeks ago, we did inspired by fashion nails for the matching manicures. I didn't manage to write the post on time but I will show you now what I came up with some time ago. 

Za manikir sam koristila / I used for the manicure:
Cuccio Pomegranate nail strengthener
Golden Rose Ice Chic 42
Don Juan One Coat OC229
Set za pečatiranje/Stamper & scraper set
Golden Rose Prodigy Gel top coat

Inspiraciju sam pronašla u jednoh od Šeri Hil kreacija. Manikir sam započela nanošenjem baze i dva sloja crvenog laka. Kada se to osušilo, odradila sam pečatiranje pa na vrhove noktiju nanela crni lak. Na kraju sam sve zaštitila slojem nadlaka.

I found my inspiration in one of Sherri Hill creations. I started off the manicure by applying base coat and two layers of red polish on all of my nails. Once it was dry I did the stamping and added black polish on the tips of my nails. In the end I protected all with a layer of top coat.