
9 May 2017

Mart i april - noviteti

Ponovo pravim dvomesečni pregled noviteta s obzirom da iz marta imam samo jedan novi proizvod. U pitanju je Avon lak koji mi je mama kupila. 
Početkom aprila sam od kompanije Mont Bleu dobila staklene turpije i već ih uveliko testiram. 
Essence je dobio novog uvoznika za Srbiju, a samim tim i nov pristup blogerima tako da sam dobila paket sa četiri laka i još par komada šminke. 
Jedino što sam sama uzela jeste Essence nadlak na vodenoj bazi. Deo je ograničene kolekcije pa požurite po svoj primerak u Lilly ukoliko vam treba nešto ovakve vrste. Sama ga još nisam testirala ali sam čula samo pozitivne utiske.

I am writing again a two-month-new in since there is only one new product from March. It is an Avon polish that my mom bought me. 
At the beginning of April I got glass nail files from Mont Bleu company and I have been testing them since then.
Essence has a new importer for Serbia that made a new approach to bloggers so I received a package with four polishes and a couple of make up pieces.
The only thing I bought myself is an Essence water based top coat. I haven't tried it yet but I've seen only positive reviews.