12 Nov 2018

Brzo skidanje laka

Šljokičavi, testurisani i slični lakovi često su vrlo teški za skidanje i koštaju nas vremena i živaca. Možda se čuli za metodu skidanja sa aluminijumskom folijom koja podrazumeva natapanje komada vate skidačem, prislanjanja na nokat te obmotavanja prsta komadom folije. Kroz 5-10 minuta, u zavisnosti od samog laka, sve se samo svuče i lak je otišao uz eventualne ostatke koji se lake uklone. Metoda je efikasna ali lično mi je zamorna. Svaki put juri po foliju, kidaj komade, zamotavaj prst... Ovome sam stala na kraj otkrivši vrlo jednostavan, a opet inovativan proizvod - silikonske kapice za skidanje laka. 

Glittery, textured and similar nail polishes can be really difficult to remove and they take time and nerves. Maybe you have heard of kitchen foil removing method which consist of taking a piece of cotton wool, soaking it with remover, putting on the nail and wrapping the nail with the foil. In 5-10 minutes, depending on the polish, you just remove everything and you have a clean nail, possibly with some residues which are easily removed. This method is efficient but personally I find it tiring. Each time run to the kitchen to get the foil, cut the pieces, wrap the finger... Plus the additional waste you make. This came to an end for me once I discovered a very simple yet innovative product - nail polish removing silicone caps. 

Kapice koje imam su sa sajta Born Pretty Store. Dolaze u tri boje i fino su upakovane. Jedina zamerka koju imam jeste što pakovanje sadrži samo pet komada pa biste morali uzeti dva pakovanja. Ako mene pitate, vrede svaki dinar. Koriste se vrlo jednostavno - bukvalno zamenjuju foliju u gore opisanoj metodi. Dakle, komadić vate se natopi skidačem, prisloni na nokat pa se navuku kapice i kroz nekoliko minuta lak će se rastvoriti. Još jedna prednost ovog načina skidanja laka jeste što nema trljanja pa se ne može oštetiti nokatna ploča, a i proces je neuporedivo brži. Od kako imam kapice koristim ih za skidanje svih lakova, a ne samo onih zahtevnijih po tom pitanju. Kad ih jednom probate više nećete hteti da se vratite tradicionalnom skidanju laka. 

The caps I have are from Born Pretty Store. They come in three different colours and they are nicely packed. The only bad thing is you only get 5 pieces in one package so you would have to buy two. If you ask me, they are worth every cent. The caps are easy to use - they literally replace the foil in the above described method. So, you soak a piece of cotton wool with polish remover, put it on the nail, place the cap and wait several minutes while the polish dissolves. Another advantage of this method is you don't rub the nail you can't damage the nail plate. Also, the process is much quicker. I have been using the caps for removing any polish ever since I got them. Once you try them, you won't wish to get back to traditional nail polish removing.    

Kapice možete pronaći ovde po ceni od 2,39$. BPS dostavlja robu širom svetu pri čemu je poštarina besplatna. Za 10% popusta na nesnižene proizvode možete iskoristiti moj kupon kod JAPX31. Da biste bili u toku sa novostima, možete pratiti BPS na Instagramu (ovde i ovde).

You can find the caps here for 2.39$. BPS ships worldwide and the shipping is free. For 10% off you can use my code JAPX31. Follow BPS on Instagram to stay in touch with news (here and here).


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