Tokom protekle godine kupovinu lakova i opreme za ukrašavanje noktiju sam zaista svela na minimum. Razlog ovome je to što sve što mi je zanimljivo na našem tržištu već imam, a i kad se pojave nove stvari obično me ne privuku dovoljno. Ipak, nakupilo se nešto noviteta pa je vreme da ih predstavim. Nema ih previše, ali vas čekaju dva posta jer mi je tako lakše da vam sve pokažem.
During the past year I really reduced nail shopping to a minimum. The reason for this is that I already own everything available in Serbia that I like and even when new stuff comes I rarely find something interesting. However, I managed to get a few things here and there so I think it's time to show them. There aren't many of them but I still am about to write two posts.
Tokom jeseni mi je stigao prah za nokte sa sajta Beauty Big Bang koji sam osvojila u nekom nagrađivanju, a krajem godine sam ostvarila i saradnju sa istom firmom tako da mi je u januaru stigao paketić sa pogurivačem zanoktica i silikonskom podlogom. Oba proizvoda su u fazi testiranja i čim steknem finalne utiske slede članci i njima.
Essence lakove iz Made to sparkle kolekcije, Twenty One i Golden Rose lakove sam dobila za rođendan, a Essence bazu sam ulovila na zimskoj rasprodaji.
During autumn I received nail powder from Beauty Big Bang that I had won in a giveaway and at the end of the year I established a collaboration with the same company so in January I got a package with a cuticle pusher and silicone mat. I am currently testing both products and once I have final opinion I will share it with you.
Essence polishes from Made to sparkle collection, Twenty One and Golden Rose polishes were part of birthday gift, and Essence base coat was bought during winter sale.
Out of space stories lak i turn it sunny toper sam pronašla u inostranstvu.
Llums lakovi su bili deo ograničene zimske kolekcije ali mislim da se još uvek mogu naći po vrlo povoljnoj ceni.
Avon Mark lak je identičan Agati iz Mineral Crush linije samo u nešto drugačijem pakovanju, tako da ako ga niste ranije nabavili, možda ga sad nađete.
I found Out of space polish and Turn it sunny topper abroad.
Llums polishes were part of winter collection but I think they still can be found.
Avon Mark polish is the same as Agate from Mineral Crush collection, it's just in a slightly different bottle so I you didn't manage to get it before you can now.
Pišite mi u komentarima kako se vi suzdržavate od kupovine? Imate li neki recept? :)
Write in the comments section how you keep yourself away from shopping? Any recipes? :)
Hvala :)
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