31 Aug 2015

Matching Manicures Sunday - Inspired by Book

Za ovonedeljne usklađene manikire inspiraciju pronalazimo u knjigama. Volim da čitam stoga mi je ova tema baš legla. E, sad, nisam bila sigurna da li treba da se odnosi na sadržaj neke knjige ili možda na korice, pa sam se odlučila za meni jednostavniju opciju - drugu. Odabrala sam "Instinkt smrti" Džeda Rubenfelda. Na žalost, još je nisam pročitala ali ako je upola dobra kao "Tumačenje ubistva" onda mora biti odlična.

For this week's matching manicures our inspiration are books. I love reading so I was glad to do this task. Since I wasn't sure whether it should refer to the book content or maybe cover, I chose the easier option - the second one. I decided to use "The Death Instinct" by Jed Rubenfeld. Unfortunately, I haven't read it yet but if it's half as good as "The Interpretation of Murder" it must be great.

29 Aug 2015

Golden Rose Rich Color 27

Golden Rose ne prestaje da me oduševljava. Ovoga puta zahvaljujući laku iz Rich Color postavke sa brojem 27. Rich Color lakovi koštaju 110, 120 dinara pri čemu se dobija 10,5 ml laka.

Golden Rose keeps on thrilling me, this time thanks to a polish from Rich Color line with number 27. They come in 10,5-ml-bottles and are five free.

27 Aug 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Za danas sam pripremila članak koji nije vezan za same nokte, a odnosi se na blogonagradu Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Ovo mi je prvi članak ove vrste te mi je bilo zanimljivo pisati ga, a uz to bih htela da iskreno zahvalim dragoj Saneli na nominaciji.

For today I have prepared off topic post which is related to Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. This is my first post of this kind so I found interesting writing it and I would love to sincerely thank dear Sanela for the nomination.

25 Aug 2015

Catrice Crushed Crystals 05 Stardust

Stardust je jedan od šest lakova iz Catrice-ove Crushed Crystal kolekcije. Ovi lakovi dolaze u bočicama od 10 ml sa širokom, pljosnatom i kružno sečenom četkicom. Tri nijanse se više ne proizvode, ali Stardust nije jedna od njih. U Srbiji ovi lakovi nisu dostupni, ali se mogu nabaviti preko sajtova kao što je Mojekrpice.

Stardust is one of six nail polishes from Catrice Crushed Crystal collection. These polishes come in 10-ml-bottles with wide, flat and round cut brush. Three polishes are not available anymore but Stardust is not one of them.

24 Aug 2015

Romantičan manikir - Born Pretty Store stamping plate BP-71

Nedavno sam na noktima prošetala jedan romantičan manikir koji sam napravila pomoću pločice sa sajta Born Pretty Store BP-71. U nastavku sledi koja reč o pločici i nešto slika krajnjeg manikira. 

Recently I wore a romantic manicure on my nails which I created using a stamping plate from Born Pretty Store BP-71. You are about to read a few words about the plate and see some pictures of the final look.

21 Aug 2015

Obrnuto pečatiranje - neonski trouglovi

Nakon dvostrukog pečatiranja, oprobala sam se u još jednoj tehnici pečatiranja - obrnutom pečatiranju (reverse stamping). Odabrala sam motiv trouglića, a kako je manikir ispao možete videti u nastavku članka.

After double stamping, I tried another stamping technique - reverse stamping. I chose the triangle motif from the BPS plate L-009, and now you will see what manicure turned out like.

20 Aug 2015

Avon Mineral Crush Agate

Još u junu sam kupila tri Avonova laka iz Mineral Crush kolekcije i mada sam im se radovala, odložila sam njihovo testiranje za boravak na moru jer su sami po sebi dovoljno lepi i nemam potrebu da ih "nadograđujem", a vremena za nail art svakako nije bilo. Mineral Crush linija se sastoji od šest lakova i dostupna je već nekoliko meseci. Dolaze u kartonskim kutijicama i bočicama od 10 ml. Puna cena im je 460 dinara ali u aktuelnom katalogu su sniženi na 229.

I bought three Avon polishes from Mineral Crush line in June and despite being happy about that, I left the testing of these polishes for vacation since they are very pretty themselves and I didn't have time for nail art. Mineral Crush line consists of six polishes which come in 10 ml bottles and it has already been available for a few months.

18 Aug 2015

Cvetići u travi

Kako se na kraju ispostavilo da mi se zaista dopao Essence The Most Wonderful Tree i pruža lep efekat trave, dodala sam mu malo cvetića.

As it turned out in the end that I liked Essence The Most Wonderfull Tree a lot and it goves nice grass effect, I added some flowers to it.

17 Aug 2015

Matching Manicures Sunday - Blobbicure

U okviru današnjeg zadatka radimo blobbicure manikire. U pitanju je veoma jednostavna tehnika koja ne zahteva nikakvo umeće. Na tek nanesen deblji sloj laka ili nadlaka dodajete kapi nekog drugog laka pri čemu se one malo prošite i dobija se efekat balončića. 

Today's task is to do a blobbicure. It is a ver simple technique which doesn't require any skills. On freshly applied polish or top coat you drop some polish which will spread a bit making the effect of bubbles.

15 Aug 2015

Golden Rose Express Dry 63

Nedavno je i do nas stigla najnovija linija Golden Rose lakova. U pitanju je Express Dry kolekcija koja za sada broji 75 nijansi. Ima dosta pastelnih, svetlih i rozih nijansi koje mi nisu privlačne ali ima po nečeg i za ljubitelje drugih boja. Lakovi dolaze u uzanim bočicama od 7 ml i koštaju sto dinara, što ih čini nešto skupljim od Rich Color i Color Expert lakova. Četkica je srednja duga i široka, ravno sečena, između pljosnate i okrugle te gusta i mekana.

14 Aug 2015

Rimmel Salon PRO 500 Peppermint

Drugi Rimmeml lak u mojoj kolekciji, pored ljubičastog Ultraviolet, jeste Peppermint. Dvoumila sam se oko njega, da li da ga uzmem, ali problem je brzo rešen zahvaljujući sestri koja voli mint. I on je povučen iz prodaje, ali se još može naći u Lilly-ju na okruglom stalku.

9 Aug 2015

Matching Manicures Sunday: Butterflies

Ove nedelje možete očekivati vesele manikire jer su nam tema leptiri. Odlučila sam se za kombinaciju boja koje gotovo nikad ne uparujem i moram reći da sam zadovoljna.

You can expect cheerful manicures manicures this week since our topic are butterflies. I have chosen a combination which I practically never make and I gotta say that I am happy with it.

Koristila sam / I used:
Golden Rose No more ridges and yellow
Maybelline Colorama Bleached Neons 244
Malena 35 
Cirkone / Studs
Tačkalicu / Dotting tool
Tetovaže sa sajta Born Pretty Store / Tattoos from Born Pretty Store
Essence gel-lool plumping top coaf


Započela sam manikir sa bazom i tri sloja zelenog laka. Na palac i mali prst sam dodala narandžaste tačkice, a na kažiprst cirkon. Srednji i domali sam sačuvala za leptire. Koristila sam gore spomenute tetovaže kao nalepnice, a nanela ih na klasičan način pomoću mokrog sunđera tj. parčeta vate u mom slučaju. Na kraju je usledio i sloj nadlaka.

I started off the manicure with base coat and three coats of green polish. On my pinky and thumb nails I added orange dots, and on index finger nail one stud. I kept middle and ring finger nails for the butterflies. I used the above mentioned tattoos as stickers, I applied them in the classic way with wet sponge or a piece of cotton wool in my case. I applied top coat in the end.

Hvala Vam što ste čitali. Ne zaboravite da pogledate šta su druge devojke pripremile. :) 

Thank you for reading. Don't forget to check out what other girls have prepared. :)

1. World of my Nails  3. nail crazy  
2. tina  4. Cajka  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

8 Aug 2015

Sixteen 462

Slaba sam na ljubičaste lakove. Kada sam ugledala Sixteen 462, između nas se rodila ljubav na prvi pogled i bez razmišljanja sam ga ponela kući. Sixteen lakovi se mogu kupiti u Lilly-ju po ceni id 229 dinara pei čemu dobijate 10 ml laka.

I have a weakness for purple polishes. When I saw Sixteen 462, the love at first sight was born between us and I took it with me home without thinking. They come in 10 ml bottles.

5 Aug 2015


Prođe i jul, meni vrlo brzo, a obeležen je usputnim, neplaniranim kupovinama, barem što se samih lakova tiče.

July has passed too, very quickly for me, and it was marked with random, unplanned shopping, at least when it comes to polishes.

Prvi od lakova je bio ljubičasti Sixteen 462. Kada sam ga videla, znala sam da ga moram poneti sa sobom kući, a uz njega je išao i tirkizni.
Kako su i do nas stigli novi Golden Rose lakovi, Express Dry, morala sam da ih isprobam te uzeh ponovo ljubičasti.
U Lilly-ju su Rimmel proizvodi bili na akciji 2+1 pa sam je iskoristila da uzmem tri laka.
Preostalih nekoliko lakova sam kupila na rasprodaji. Dva Colorama Bleached Neons, od kojih ste jedan već mogli da vidite ovde. Sivi pečatni iz Essence kolekcije Love Letters. Kad smo kod ovog brenda, stigle su nam dve nove trend kolekcije: Nauti Girl u Lilly, a Love & Sound u DM. Ni jedan od lakova mi se nije dovoljno dopao. I na kraju je braon S.he došao kao poručen jer nemam ni jedan braon lak jer ih ne volim, ali ume da mi zatreba za neki manikir.
Drugi deo noviteta je razna oprema za ukrašavanje noktiju poručena na sajtu Born Pretty Store. Našlo se tu par pločica, zatim neke nitne i cvetovi, vodene nalepnice, set tačkalica, i ono što mi je najviše trebalo - veliki pečat.

The first polish to come was purple Sixteen 462. The moment I saw it I knew that I would bring it home with me. The turquoise one was in the package with purple.
New Golden Rose polishes, Express Dry, have arrived to Serbia and I had to test them so I got purple polish once again.
There was a kind of promotion of Rimmel products - you buy two and get one for free, so I used it two buy three polishes.
The rest of polishes I bought were on sale. Two Colorama Bleached Neons, you have already had the chance to see one of them here. Grey stamping polish from Essence trend edition Love Letters. Speaking of Essence, two other trend editions, Love & Sound and Nauti Girl are now available in Serbia, but none of the polishes were enough attractive to me. The brown S.he polish was the one I really needed because I have no brown polishes since I don't like them but sometimes I need one for nail art.
The other half of new products are some nail art stuff from Born Pretty store. A couple of plates came along, then nail studs and flowers, water decals, dotting tool set and the thing I needed the most - big stamper.


acrylic paint (5) Alexandar Cosmetics (2) Anna Gorelova (1) Aura (50) autumn (4) Avon (10) award / nagrada (1) base coat (1) beige (1) birthday (1) black (57) blobbicure (2) blog (3) blue (70) blurple (1) books (1) bordeaux (1) Born Pretty Store (82) Bow (1) bright (1) bronze (1) brown (7) burple (1) butterfly (1) Catrice (8) chevron (1) China Glaze (16) Christmas (1) colorful (2) Coor expert (1) copper (1) coral (2) Coral Prosilk (2) crackle (1) cream (29) Cuccio (12) Dance Legend (1) dark (15) Deborah (4) deer (1) delicate (1) distressed (1) Don Juan (6) dots (15) duochrome (4) easy nail art (35) El Corazon (1) empties (1) Essence (73) Essie (5) Eveline (36) EzFlow (29) fashion (1) flag (1) Flert (1) floral (1) Flormar (44) flowers (10) foil (1) freehand (8) french manicure (1) Gabrini (8) galaxy (2) geometric (4) girly (2) gitter (1) giveaway (1) glitter (46) gold (13) Golden rose (114) gradient (12) green (38) grey (33) Halloween (3) hearts (1) holiday (4) holo (14) IBD (6) Ingrid (2) jelly (5) jewelry (1) Kiko (8) lace (1) Lady Queen (1) leaves (4) light (2) lilac (1) lines (5) Llums (4) love (2) magnetic (1) Malena (7) Manhattan (1) manicure (3) Masura (2) matching manicures (75) matte (11) May (1) Maybelline (10) metallic (10) mint (10) Miss Sporty (6) Miss Universe (1) Moda (2) Mont Bleu (1) moon (1) Morgan Taylor (4) mud (1) multichrome (2) nai art (2) nail art (98) nail care (2) nail polish (47) nail studs (10) nails (1) navy (9) neo (1) neon (2) New (14) new in (19) nimbus (1) Noviteti/haul (12) nude (7) oil/ulje (1) OPI (4) orange (16) outline (1) p2 (1) pale (2) particles (2) pastel (2) peach (1) peel off (1) petroleum (2) pictorial (1) pink (13) pinterest (1) polish removing (1) Primark (1) PS (1) purple (50) rainbow (1) Rapsodi (2) red (21) reverse stamping (2) review (79) Rimmel (7) roses (2) S-he (12) sand (5) saran wrap (4) scraper (1) sea (1) Sephora (6) septembar (1) Shenemil (4) shimmer (34) silver (34) Sixteen (10) skittlette (3) smile (1) snow (1) spring (1) spun sugar (1) stamping (42) stickers (1) stripes (3) supernatural (1) tape (4) teal (4) textured (4) tips & tricks (12) top coat (4) topper (5) tree (1) trend it up (1) triangles (1) tribal (1) turquoise (4) Twenty One (3) V (1) Valentine's day (2) velvet (1) vivid (1) water decals (1) water decals / vodene nalepnice (5) water marble (2) watercolour (1) waterfall (1) Wet n Wild (1) white (40) winter (3) yellow (9)
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