Ljubitelj sam pravilnih i geometrijskih motiva i stoga mi je pločica BP-L050* bila logičan izbor prilikom biranja proizvoda za testiranje.
As a fan of regular and geometric motives on my nails choosing stamping plate BP-L050* was natural while picking new products for testing.
Pločica je sa sajta Born Pretty Store. Veličina je 12x6 cm, sadrži četrnaest motiva za ceo nokat dimenzije 15x25 mm. Svi motivi koje sam isprobala se dobro prenose, a u zavisnosti od konkretnog motiva i upotrebljenog laka transfer se može izvršiti i po nekoliko puta bez čišćenja pločice. Svakako, preporučujem vam što češće čišćenje radi veće preciznosti.
The plate is from Born Pretty Store. Its size is 12x6 cm and it contains fourteen motives whose dimension is 15x25 mm. All the images I have tested out transfer very well and depending on the specific image and the used polish a few transfers can be done without cleaning the plate. However, I recommend you to do the cleaning as often as possible for the better precision.
Kao bazu za manikir sam koristila Eveline miniMAX 102, a za pečatiranje Essence The Metals 35 rock my soul. Pločicu sam koristila i za ovaj gradijent manikir.
As the manicure base I used Eveline miniMAX 102 and for the stamping Essence The Metals 35 rock my soul. The same plate was used for this manicure too.

Pločicu možete pronaći ovde po ceni od 2.59$. Born Pretty dostavlja robu širom i poštarina je besplatna. Takođe, možete iskoristiti moj kupon kod JAPX31 za 10% popusta koji važi za nesnižene cene. Da biste bili u toku sa novostima, možete pratiti BPS na Instagramu (ovde i ovde).
*Prikazani proizvod sam dobila na recenziju, što ne utiče na moje mišljenje o njemu, svi utisci i mišljenje su potpuno objektivni.
You can find the plate here for 2.59$. Born Pretty Store delivers all around the world and the shipping is free. Also, you can use my coupon code JAPX31 for 10% discount valid for the non-sale products. Follow BPS on Instagram to get informed (here and here)
*The described product was sent to me for an honest review which does not affect my opinion, all that is written and opinion are objective.
Odlična je ta pločica.
ReplyDeleteZasto ja nemam tu plocicu?! Odlicna je!
ReplyDeleteNabavljaj je što pre. :D