2 Aug 2018

Born Pretty Store 3D Magnetic Aurora Borealis + Magnet

Magnetni lakovi odavno postoje na tržištu ali čini mi se da tek u poslednjih par godina dobijaju na popularnosti. Born Pretty Store ne kasni sa trendovima tako da i oni u svojoj ponudi imaju dosta lakova koji pružaju magnetni efekat. Među njima je i 3D Magnetic Aurora Borealis* koji sam dobila na isprobavanje. 

Magnetic polishes have been on market for quite long time but it seems to me that they have been getting more popular just in past couple of years. Born Pretty Store is no late with the trends so they also have some magnetic polishes to offer. One of them is called 3D Magnetic Aurora Borealis* which I have got for testing. 

Lak dolazi u bočici od 6 ml i zapakovan u kartonsku kutijicu. Četkica je dugačka, srednje širine i ravno sečena. Osnova laka je sivo-zelena, ispunjen je šimerom, a nakon primene magneta formiraju se zeleni i ljubičasti odeljak i svaki dolazi do izražaja pod određenim uglom. Tekstura je ređa ali lak se lako rapoređuje po noktu i za potpuno pokrivanje su potrebna dva sloja koliko i imam na slikama, bez nadlaka. 

The polish comes in 6-ml-bottle and packed in a cardboard box. The brush is long, medium-width and straight cut. The base of the polish is grayish-green, it's filled with shimmer and after using the magnet green and purple spots appear, each can been seen under different angle. The texture is runny but the polish spreads easily over the nail and it takes two coats for full coverage. On the pictures I have two coats of polish without top coat.

Magnet koji sam koristila je takođe sa Born Pretty Store sajta. Radi se o dvostranom magnetu koji ima veći deo u obliku pravougaonika (25x10 mm) i manji, okrugli (7 mm). Koristi se tako što se prinese noktu odmah po nanošenju laka i drži nekoliko sekundi, već u zavisnosti i od samog laka. Pristojne je jačine tako da za kratko vreme napravi lepu šaru.


The magnet I used is also from Born Pretty Store web site. It is a double-sidedmagnet stick which has bigger rectangular part (25x10 mm), and smaller, round part (7 mm). The magnet is to be used by holding it several seconds above the nail right after applying polish. It is strong enough to create a nice design in a short time.  

Lak se može nabaviti ovde po ceni od 5,39$ (BP-MA06 Aurora Borealis), a magnet ovde za 2,99$. Ukoliko se odlučite na kupovinu, možete iskoristiti moj kupon kod JAPX31 za 10% popusta. Born Pretty Store dostavlja širom sveta, a poštarina je besplatna. Da biste bili u toku sa novostima, možete pratiti BPS na Instagramu (ovde i ovde).

*Prikazani proizvod sam dobila na recenziju, što ne utiče na moje mišljenje o njemu, svi utisci i mišljenje su potpuno objektivni.

You can get the polish here for 5.39$ (BP-MA06 Aurora Borealis), and the magnet here for 2.99$. If you decide to make a purchase you can use my 10% off coupon code JAPX31. Born Pretty Store ships worldwide and the shipping is free. Follow BPS on Instagram to stay in touch with news (here and here).

*The described product was sent to me for an honest review which does not affect my opinion, all that is written and opinion are objective.


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