Ove nedelje tema usklađenih manikira su teal odnosno petrolej lakovi. Petrolej lakovi su mi omiljeni pored ljubičastih i za svaki koji imam tvrdim da se razlikuje od drugih (iako se ljudi u mojoj okolini ne slažu sa mnom). :D
This week's matching manicures topic are teal polishes. Teal polishes are my favourite besides the purple ones and I can firmly say that each one I have is different than the others (although people around me disagree). :D
Za ovaj manikir sam koristila / For this manicure I used:
Cuccio Pomegranate Nail Strengthener
Eveline miniMAX 103
Born Prety crni pečatni lak / Born Pretty black stamping polish
Ya Qin An srebrni pečatni lak / Ya Qin An silver stamping polish
Prozirni pečat / Clear jelly stamper
Born Pretty grebač / Born Pretty scraper
Pločicu za pečatiranje BP-X06 / Stamping plate BPX-06
EzFlow Fast Finish top coat
Nakon nanošenja baze i dva sloja laka planirala sam da radim dvostruko pečatiranje pa sam crnim lakom na sve nokte ispečatirala ševron dezen. Htela sam da ponovim postupak sa srebrnim lakom ali kad sam ispečatirala jedan nokat shvatila sam da se bazna boja, pa ni crno pečatiranje uopšte ne vide. Zato sam samo kažiprst i mali nokat u celosti ispečatirala srebrnim lakom dok sam ostale nokte samo do pola. Višak laka sa pečata sam uklanjala lepljivom trakom. Na kraju je usledio standardni sloj nadlaka.
After applying base coat and two layers of polish I tended to do double stamping so I first used black polish to stamp the chevron pattern on all my nails. I wanted to repeat the process with silver polish but having stamped one nail I realised that the base colour and black stamping were not quite visible. That's why I entirely stamped silver polish only on my index and pinky finger nails whereas others ended half-stamped. I used sticky tape to remove the excess polish from the stamper. The last to add was a layer of top coat.
Hvala na čitanju. Na linkovima ispod možete pogledati šta su druge devojke osmislile. :)
Thanks for reading. On the links below you can see what other girls have thought up. :)
1. | Mala Palčica | 3. | MarryJ | 5. | Marija | |
2. | Tina | 4. | Cajka |
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Petrolej i srebrno su odlična kombinacija.
ReplyDeleteDelimo mišljenje. :)
Deletesuper efektna manikura
ReplyDeleteHvala. :)