Tačkanje smatram zaista jednom od najjednostavnijih tehnika za ukrašavanje noktiju jer sve što zahteva jesu tačkalica (ili adekvatna zamena), željene boje i malo mašte. Obično mi uvek zafali poslednja stavka pa odustanem od tačkica (mada ste imali više puta priliku da ih vidite kod mene na blogu) ali sam se za ovaj usklađjeni manikir potrudila i kreirala nešto inovatniji manikir nego inače.
I consider dotting one of the simplest nail art techniques because all it requires are dotting tool (or a proper substitute), wanted colours and a bit of imagination. I usually luck the last thing so I easily give up on dots (although you have had the chance to see several dotticures on my blog) but for this matching manicure I tried harder and created a manicure more innovative than usually.
Koristila sam / I used:
Aura Instant Base
Coral Proslik 98.
Flormar 370 White Absolute
Essence The Metals 35 rock my soul
EzFlow Fast Finish top coat
Dve tačkalice / Two dotting tools
Kao i uvek, osnovu manikira čine baza i dva sloja laka, u ovom slučaju je to bordo-ljubičasti. Sam dizajn sam započela dodavanjem bele tačke po sredini nokta najvećom tačkalicom koju imam. Preko nje sam manjom stranom dodala plavu. Još manjom tačkalicom sam ka uglovima noktiju (tj. po dijagonalama) dodala po tri plave tačkice, a u prostor između njih po jednu belu srednje veličine. Ostavila sam tačkice da se dobro osuše pa tek onda nanela nadlak.
As usual, the base of the manicure consists of base coat and two layers of polish, and in this case it is a bordeaux-purple. I started creating the design with a big white dot in the middle of the nail using the biggest dotting tool I have. Over that one, I added a blue dot with the smaller side of the tool. I used even smaller tool to add three dots going from the centre to the corners and the space between them got a middle-sized white dot. I waited for the dots to dry really well and then I applied top coat.
Thanks for reading. Make sure to check out how other bloggers dotted their nails. :)
1. | Cajka | 4. | Mala Palčica | 7. | Marija | |
2. | Sanela | 5. | MarryJ | |||
3. | Tina | 6. | World Of Happy Nails |
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E, ovo je baš slatko. Nešto drugačije od klasičnih tačkica.
ReplyDeleteI bila mi je namera da zaobiđem uobičajene tačkice. Hvala ti. :)
DeleteMnogo mi se dopada ovaj dizajn! Zapratila sam te ☺♥
Hvala ti. :)
DeleteHvala puno. :)