U prošlom postu sam rekla da ću vam danas pokazati manikir koji sam uradila preko OPI Scores a Goal. Da odmah pređem na stvar. :D
In the previous post I told you that today I would show you the manicure I did over OPI Scores a Goal. So let me show it. :D
Koristila sam / I used:
Golden Rose With Protein 308
Golden Rose With Protein 285
Crnu akrilnu boju / Black acrylic paint
Tanku četkicu / Thin brush

Nalakirala sam nokte bazom i OPI lakom. Četkicom i akrilnom bojom sam izvukla tanke lanke, određene delove ispunila Golden Rose lakovima pa sam and još jedom prešla preko linija, da ih popravim i podebljam. Nanela sam nadlak i to je bilo to.
I painted my nails with base coat and OPI polish. I draw the lines using the brush and acrylic paint, then I filled some parts with Golden Rose polishes and once again went over the lines, to fix them and make them wider. I applied top coat and that was it.
Hvala Vam što ste čitali. :)
Thank you for reading.
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