Essence-ova ograničena kolekcija Beach Cruisers je odavno bila aktuelna, ali sve do sada nisam isprobala lepotana kojeg vam danas pokazujem, i to iz neopravdanih razloga. Mislim da ih više nema (barem ih ja nisam viđala) ali ako u nekom Lilly-ju naletite na koji primerak, imate moju preporuku da ga uzmete, a u nastavku pročitajte i zašto.
Essence's trend edition Beach Cruisers has already been discontinued for a long time but I hadn't tested the beauty I am showing you today until recently, and I have no excuses. If you love this kind of polish and you can still find this one, I sincerely recommend you to buy it. In the following text you can read why.