Još kada sam prvi put videla trend kolekciju Hidden Stories, lakovi su me dosta zainteresovali sa svojim efektima. Međutim, kao po običaju, Essence proizvodi su nam kasnili, tako da nam je ova kolekcija stigla tek nedavno (trebala je da bude dostupna od januara do marta). Ostala sam ravnodušna kada sam je videla u DM-u, no ipak sam se počastila jednim lakom. Moj izbor je pa na Enchanted by hint of mint. Pored ovog, kolekcija sadrži još četiri laka: Enter wonderland (mat beli), Mauve-llous fairy (svetlucajući ljubičasti), Where did I park my unicorn (metalik plavi) i Rose in wonderland (svetlo rozi). Samo sam četiri boje videla, mislim da nedostaje upravo Rose in wonderland, ako grešim, ispravite me.
Even since I first saw Hidden Stories trend edition, the polishes intrigued me with their effects. However, the Essence products were late so this collection arrived almost three months later than it was supposted to, so I wasn't too excited when I saw it in DM but I bought myself one polish. I chose Enchanted by hint of mint. Apart from this one, there are four more polishes in the collection: Enter wonderland (white matte), Mauve-llous fairy (sparkling purple), Where did I park my unicorn (metallic blue) i Rose in wonderland ("the iced" light pink).